
Guide to Drug Schedules in Utah

In Utah, the scheduling of controlled substances is regulated through a multifaceted approach, taking into account not only the need to limit abuse and addiction but also the need to ensure that essential medications remain accessible to those who need them most.

However, Utah also takes a harsh stance on drug-related offenses, with strict penalties in place for individuals who are found guilty of possession, distribution, or trafficking of these scheduled substances. Given the severity of these consequences, it is crucial to understand how the state views and categorizes drugs. Some people have a valid reason for possessing the drugs they have, as many of us have prescription medications. Still, the complexity of the scheduling system means many substances are off-limits. Our team can help build a robust defense if you are facing criminal charges.

Call Overson Law, PLLC at (801) 758-2287 for a free evaluation of your case with our Utah criminal defense lawyers.

Understanding Utah’s Guide to Drug Schedules

The classification system in Utah regulates access, prescribing practices, and legal enforcement for controlled substances. These schedules are based on their potential for abuse, dependence, and medical utility. However, drug schedules can be confusing as there is some overlap. Because the consequences can be severe depending on how the substance is scheduled, you will want a Layton criminal defense attorney who can assess your case accurately. The following guide will help you understand what drugs are considered dangerous in Utah and how they are regulated:

Schedule I: High Abuse Potential with No Accepted Medical Use

Schedule I substances are characterized by a high potential for abuse and the absence of any currently accepted medical use in the United States, according to Utah Code § 58-37-4(2)(a). This category includes drugs that are often associated with recreational use and carry significant risks of addiction and harm. Examples of Schedule I drugs, as noted by the DEA, include heroin, LSD, marijuana (despite its legal status for medicinal or recreational use in some states), and ecstasy (MDMA).

The strict classification of these substances underscores a rigorous stance against drugs deemed to have no safe, supervised role in medical treatment. The legal ramifications for handling Schedule I drugs are typically severe, reflecting the government’s intent to curb their distribution and consumption.

Schedule II: High Abuse Potential with Severe Dependence Risk

According to Utah Code § 58-37-4(2)(b), Schedule II drugs possess a high potential for abuse, which might lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. However, unlike Schedule I drugs, those classified under Schedule II have recognized medical uses. This category encompasses a wide range of substances, including opioids like morphine, oxycodone, and fentanyl, stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine, and other drugs like Adderall and Ritalin, which are commonly prescribed for ADHD.

Despite their medical applications, the handling and prescribing of Schedule II substances are heavily regulated. Practitioners must adhere to stringent guidelines to minimize the risk of abuse and dependency among patients, reflecting the delicate balance between their therapeutic benefit and potential harm.

Schedule III: Moderate to Low Potential for Abuse and Dependence

Under Utah Code § 58-37-4(2)(c), Schedule III substances are deemed to have a lower potential for abuse compared to Schedule I and II drugs, with abuse of these drugs potentially leading to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. This category includes drugs with accepted medical uses, such as certain anabolic steroids, testosterone, ketamine, and some preparations containing codeine.

The regulation of Schedule III drugs allows for more flexibility in prescribing practices compared to Schedule II substances yet still maintains controls to deter misuse. This categorization acknowledges the need for these medications in specific medical contexts while maintaining safeguards against abuse. However, serious consequences could follow if found in possession of these substances without a prescription.

Schedule IV: Low Potential for Abuse and Dependence

Drugs classified under Schedule IV are considered to have a low potential for abuse relative to substances in Schedule III. They are associated with limited physical or psychological dependence risks, per Utah Code § 58-37-4(2)(d). This schedule includes a variety of medications commonly prescribed for anxiety, insomnia, and pain management, such as benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax, Valium), sleep aids (e.g., Ambien), and tramadol.

The classification of these drugs reflects a recognition of their importance in treating numerous conditions while also acknowledging the necessity of oversight to prevent abuse and dependency.

Schedule V: Lower Potential for Abuse than Schedule IV

Under Utah Code § 58-37-4(2)(e), Schedule V drugs are characterized by a lower potential for abuse than Schedule IV substances and consist of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics. These are generally used for antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic purposes. Examples include cough preparations with less than 200 milligrams of codeine per 100 milliliters or per 100 grams (Robitussin AC, Phenergan with Codeine) and certain anticonvulsants and sedatives.

The placement of drugs in Schedule V signifies the lowest tier of control, indicates Utah’s recognition of their necessity for specific medical conditions, and the minimal risk they pose in terms of dependency and abuse.

Potential Consequences for Possession or Distribution of a Controlled Substance in Utah

Utah takes the regulation of controlled substances seriously, with penalties designed to deter the possession, distribution, and trafficking of the drugs described above. The potential consequences for violating these laws can be severe, impacting not only the individual’s freedom but also their future opportunities.

Possession of Controlled Substances

The severity of the penalties for possession depends on several factors, including the type and amount of the substance, the individual’s criminal history, and how it is scheduled under Utah’s laws.

For Schedule I and II substances, the consequences are particularly stringent. First-time offenders can face charges ranging from class B misdemeanors for trace amounts to second-degree felonies for larger quantities. Penalties can include significant fines, compulsory participation in drug treatment programs, and imprisonment.

Possession of substances classified under Schedules III, IV, and V might result in less severe penalties. However, even in these cases, individuals can face charges, with consequences that can include jail time, fines, and mandatory drug education or rehabilitation programs.

Distribution of Controlled Substances

The distribution and trafficking of controlled substances carry even harsher penalties than possession, reflecting the greater societal harm attributed to these activities. The distinction between distribution and trafficking often hinges on the quantity of the substance involved, with larger amounts typically leading to more serious trafficking charges.

Individuals convicted of distributing controlled substances often face very severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences. For example, distributing a Schedule I or II drug can result in a second-degree felony charge for a first offense, escalating to a first-degree felony for subsequent offenses or if the distribution occurs in specific areas, such as near schools or parks.

Convictions for trafficking can lead to decades in prison, substantial fines, and, in some cases, life sentences, particularly when the trafficking involves significant amounts of Schedule I or II drugs or results in death or serious injury.

Our Utah Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help Your Case

For a free case review, contact our Lehi, UT criminal defense attorneys at Overson Law, PLLC by calling us at (801) 758-2287.